Artal – Vegeamino, 1l



Aminoacids: 20.00% w/w = 24.80% w/v
Total Nitrogen (N): 3.90% w/w = 4.83% w/v
Soluble Liquid (L.S.)
Amino acids present: ASP – VAL – GLU (14.0%) – PHE – SER – ILE – GLY (5.0%) – LEU – THR – LYS – ARG – HIS – ALA – PRO – TYR – HYP – MET.
VEGEAMINO is a bio activator based on plant-ready amino acids obtained by hydrolysis of vegetable proteins that acts as an activator of physiology and hormonal processes.

The elements it contains are designed to stimulate the chlorophyll function of the plant and accelerate the vegetative development of crops.
VEGEAMINO promotes and activates the assimilation of trace elements, enhancing their effect if applied together.
It also reinforces the action of fungicides and insecticides, so it is also recommended to be mixed with them.
VEGEAMINO is especially recommended before and during sprouting because it favors and advances the development of the crop, increasing the vigor of the plants and improving their resistance to certain diseases.
and improving its resistance to certain diseases. It is also recommended to promote crop development in the early stages (young plants or newly transplanted plants), in critical stages
It is also recommended to promote crop development in the early stages (young or newly transplanted plants), in critical stages of the crop, and to cope with stressful situations.
VEGEAMINO is recommended for all types of crops:
Fruit trees (pome and stone), Citrus, Horticultural, Cereals, and Ornamental crops.
VEGEAMINO, due to its totally assimilable formula, can be applied by foliar and root application through any irrigation system. The application of phytosanitary products
phytosanitary products for its use. It is also advisable to accompany it with a nutritional product adapted to the needs of the crop. Avoid its application during the hours of
hours of highest insolation. General doses of application:
Foliar (with an interval of 15-21 days): 200-300cc/100 liters of water. Radicular 10-15 L/Ha and crop cycle distributed in several applications with an interval of 15-21 days.
VEGEAMINO is compatible with most of the known fertilizers and phytosanitary products, although it is advisable to carry out a previous test.
to carry out a previous test. Do not mix with mineral oils, sulfur, or copper broths, except in olive trees, where they can be applied with copper.

Additional information

Weight1,1 kg
Dimensions30 × 15 × 15 cm